Step By PGC Biology MCQs 2020 - MDCATustad

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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Step By PGC Biology MCQs 2020

Step By PGC Biology MCQs

Step By PGC Biology MCQs Entry Test Past Papers MCQs collected from MDCAT Biology Paper taken by STEP PGC(Punjab Group of Colleges) for Medical students. Read all Step By PGC Biology MCQs carefully to qualify in entrance test. These mcqs are according to UHS mdcat paper pattern 2020.

Step By PGC Biology MCQs from Past Papers Test.11

Step By PGC Biology MCQs

1.         Which one of following is not found in all bacterial cells
            a          Cell wall         b   Cytoplasm
            c          Ribosomes      d   Chromotin bodies
2.         Bacteria of Genus mycoplasma are
            a          The smallest and lack cell wall
            b          The smallest & lack flagella
            c          The largest & lack cell wall
            d          The largest & lack flagella
3.         Pleomorphic bacteria can exist in a variety of
            a          Medium          b  Size
            c          Shape              d  Color
4.         Sarcina arrangement include
            a          Spherical bacteria in tetrad
            b          Rod shaped bacteria in tetrad
            c          Spherical bacteria in irregular
            d          Spherical bacteria in a cube
5.         Streptobacillus is a
            a          Long chain of spherical bacteria
            b          Long chain of rod shaped bacteria
            c          Pair of spherical bacteria
            d          Pair of rod shaped bacteria
6.         Thin flexible spiral bacteria are
            a          Spirillum         b  Spirochete
            c          Vibrio              d  Staphylococcus
7.         A condition of tuft of flagella present only at one pole of bacteria
            a          Peritrichous
            b          Lophotrichous
            c          Monotrichous
            d          Amphitrichous
8.         The function of pili in a bacterial cell
            a          Conjugation & attachment
            b          Conjugation & motility
            c          Motility & chemotaxis
            d          Motility & attachment
9.         Loose soluble shield of macromolecules around bacterial cell
            a          Slime              b Capsule
            c          Cell wall         d Cell membrane
10.       Chemotaxis behavior of bacterial cell is
            a          Conjugation    b  Attachment
            c          Motility           d  Pathogenicity
11.       Which one of following protects bacterial cell against phagocytosis
            a          Slime               b  Capsule
            c          Cell wall         d   Cell membrane
12.       Which one of following is incorrect about bacterial cell wall
            a          Determines the shape
            b          Rigid structure
            c          Protects against phagocytosis
            d          Absent in some bacteria
13.       By gram staining, gram positive bacteria are stained
            a          Purple b          Pink
            c          Red      d          Blue
14.       Which one of following is correct about gram positive bacterial cell wall
            a          2 major layers
            b          8-11nm overall thickness
            c          No outer membranes
            d          Less permeable
15.       Cell walls of archaeobacteria do not contain
            a          Proteins               b   Glycoproteins
            c          Polysaccharides  d   Peptidoglycan
16.       Eukaryotic membranes differ from bacterial membranes in
            a          Lacking sterols
            b          Possessing sterols
            c          Lacking cellulose
            d          Possessing peptidoglycan
17.       The plasmamembrane and every thing present within it in bacterial cell is known as
            a          Cytoplasmic matrix
            b          Cytoplasm
            c          Protoplasm
            d          Protoplast
18.       The nuclear material or DNA in bacterial cells is
            a          Single double stranded helical
            b          Single double stranded Circular
            c          Double single stranded helical
            d          Double single stranded circular
19.       Feulgen stain is used to stain bacterial
            a          Cell wall
            b          Cell Membrane
            c          Nuclear membrane
            d          Nuclear Region
20.       Plasmids contain genes for
            a          Growth & Metabolism
            b          Genetic engineering
            c          Resistance against drugs
            d          Protien synthesis
21.       Respirtory enzymes of bacterial cell are present
            a          On the ribosomes only
            b          On the mesosomes only
            c          On the ribosomes& cell membrane
            d          On the mesosomes & cell membrane
22.       Which one of the followings is storage nutrients of bacterial cell. 
            a          Phosphate       b  Alcohal
            c          Lactic acid     d   Acetic acid
23.       Spores of bacterial cells are produced
            a          During differentiation of vegetative cells
            b          During differentiation of reproductive cells
            c          At a late stage of cell growth
            d          At early stage of cell growth
24.       Which one of following bacteria utilize humus
            a          Parasitic         b  Photosynthetic
            c          Saprophytic    d  Chemosynthetic
25.       During photosynthesis, Hydrogen source for bacterial is
            a          H2S         b   H2O
            c          CH2O     d    H2S & H2O
26.       Chemosynthetic bacteria trap the energy by
            a          Oxidizing organic compound
            b          Oxidizing inorganic compound
            c          Reducing organic compound
            d          Reducing inorganic compound

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