Entry Test Biology Past Papers STEP Chapter Wise yearly - MDCATustad

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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Entry Test Biology Past Papers STEP Chapter Wise yearly

MDCAT Bioloy Entry Test Multiple Choice Questions

MDCAT Biology MCQs collected from past papers of STEP Self-Assessment  Session 2020.Step by PGC self assessment entry test for the students of Pre-Medical.

Entry Test PGC MCQs Test No.9

26.       True pili are only present on
            a          Gram positive baclene
            b          Gram negative bacleria
            c          Bacilli d          The spiral
27.       Which one of followings determine the shape of bacterium
            a          Slime               b Cell wall
            c          Capsule           d  Plane of division
28.       Cell wall is only absent in
            a          Mycoplasmas  b Escherichia coli
            c          Spirochetes     d  Pseudomonas
29.       Overall thickness of gram positive cell wall
            a          2-8nm              b  20-80nm
            c          8-11nm            d   81-110nm
30.       The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell lacks
            a          Discrete chromosome
            b          Discrete chromosome & nuclear membrane
            c          Membrane bound organelles
            d          Membrane bound organelles & microtubules
31.       Which one of following is incorrect about plasmid
            a          Vector in genetic engineering technique
            b          Circular double standard DNA molecule
            c          Essential for growth & metabolism
            d          Self replicating
32.       Bacterial’s spores help in
            a          Reproduction
            b          Storage of nutrients
            c          Differentiation of vegetative cells
            d          Survival under adverse condition
33.       The cell walls of most bacteria have a unique macromolecule called
            a          Murein                        b Peptidoglycan
            c          Lipopolysaccharide    d Lipoproteins
34.       Most bacteria are
            a          Autotrophic      b   Heterotrophic
            c          Photosynthetic d    Chemosynthetic
35.       Which one of following are fully dependent on their host for nutrition
            a          Parasitic           b Saprophytic
            c          Photosynthetic d  Chemosynthetic
36.       Bacterial chlorophyll is present in the
            a          Chloroplast     b Mesosome
            c          Cytoplasm       d Cell membrane
37.       During photosynthesis, bacteria liberate
            a          Oxygen           b  Sulphur
            c          Nitrogen          d  Carbon dioxide
38.       Nitrifying bacteria are
            a          Parasitic          b  Sporophytic
            c          Photosynthetic d  Chemosynthetic
39.       The products of bacterial photosynthesis are
            a          Co2 + H2O + 2S
            b          2H2S + H2O + 2S
            c          (CH2O)n + 2H2S + Co2
            d          (CH2O)n + H2O + 2S
40.       Antibiotics are used in treatment of
            a          Parasitic disease
            b          Social diseases
            c          Congenital diseases
            d          Infections diseases
41.       Mycorrhizal fungi
            a          Are recycler
            b          Improve growth of plants
            c          Help in ecological succession
            d          Are bioindicator of pollution
42.       A common morel
            a          Tuber species             b.Agaricus Sp
            c          Morchella esenlenta   d.Amanita
43.       Citric acid is obtained from
            a          Yeast                        b Penicillium
            c          Yeast & penicillium d Aspergillus
44.       Which one of followings is mismatched
            a          Griseofulvin – inhibit fungal growth
            b          Lovastatin – organ transplantation
            c          Ergotine – relieve migraine
            d          Lichens – natural dyes
45.       The first eukaryotes to be used by genetic engineer
            a          Yeasts             b  Lichens
            c          Penicillium     d  Aspergillus
46.       Neurospora is commonly known as
            a          Black bread mold
            b          Pink bread mold
            c          Blue bread mold
            d          Yellow bread mold
47.       Ustilago maydis causes
            a          Corn smut             b Corn rust
            c          Powdery mildew   d  Ergot of rye
48.       Athlete’s foot is caused by
            a          Sac-fungi    b Conjugating fungi
            c          Club fingi    d Imperfect fungi
49.       Rhodotorula is
            a          Bracket / shell fungi
            b          Wood rotling fungi
            c          Black yeast
            d          Pink yeast
50.       The zygomycetes
            a          Produce motile gametes
            b          Have hyphae without repta
            c          Are haploid throughout their life
            d          b, c are both correct
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