MCQs of Biology 1st Year Chapter 6 - MDCATustad

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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

MCQs of Biology 1st Year Chapter 6

FSC PART 1 BIOLOGY Chapter 6 MCQs Short and Long Questions

MCQs Biology|11th Biology chapter-wise papers| 1st-year Biology papers important MCQs, short questions, and long questions|Biology MCQs for entry test pdf|Basic Biology mcqs|Mcqs of Biology class 11th.
  1. Bacteria
  2. Discovery of Bacteria
  3. Occurrence of Bacteria
  4. Structure of Bacteria
  5. Advantages of Antibiotics
  6. Disadvantages of Antibiotics
  7. Economic Importance
  8. Cyanobacteria
  9. Nostoc


11th Biology Unit 6 MCQs
1st-year Biology Unit 6

11th Class Biology Chapter 6:

Q.No.1 Four possible options have been given. Tick (P) mark the correct option.                                   
Bacterial membranes differ from eukaryotic membranes in lacking:
(a) phospholipids        
(b) proteins  
(c) sterols                     
(d) carbohydrates
The plasma membrane and everything present within is known as:
(a) protoplasm            
 (b) cytoplasm
(c) nucleoplasm          
 (d) protoplast
Which one of the following developed many techniques for isolation, media preparation, and preparation of specimens for microscopic examinations?
(a) Christian Gram      
 (b) Louis Pasteur
(c) Robert Koch           
(d) Leeuwenhoek
Which one of the following is the smallest structure, with regard to size
(a) Colony of Nostoc             
(b) Trichome of Nostoc
(c) Filament of cyanobacteria
(d) Hormogonium of Nostoc
Tuft of flagella present on one pole than it is
(a) Amphitrichous       
(b) Lophotrichous
(c) Monotrichous         
(d) Peritrichous
Which one of them is not anaerobe
(a) E. coli                     
(b) Campylobacter
(c) Spirochete             
 (d) None of these
Sterilization has a _________effect.
(a) Microstatic             
(b) Mircrocidal 
(c) Both a and b          
(d) None of these 
Note: Out of Question Nos. 2 and 3 write 5 (FIVE) short answers. While writing an answer write Question No. carefully.   
Q.No.2 Write a short answer.

List the contributions of Louis Pasteur.
Name general characteristics that could be used to define the prokaryotes.

Q.No.3 Write a short answer.

What are the effects of various antibiotics, if they are misused?
Differentiate between disinfectant & antiseptic.
What is pili and what give its functions?

(a)        Write note on growth and reproduction in bacteria.                                                             
(b)       Discuss the characteristics of cyanobacteria in detail.                                                         

What is the methylene blue test for checking the quality of milk?                                            
Crystal violet dye clearly differentiates the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Then why do we use secondary stain?
Overview of this paper in which the following topics are covered deeply.
Bacteria Discovery of Bacteria Occurrence of Bacteria Structure of Bacteria Advantages of Antibiotics Disadvantages of Antibiotics Economic Importance Cyanobacteria Nostoc
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